        I am running mod_perl and have created a handler that serves all the
pages for our intranet.  In this handler I load perl programs from file into
a string and run eval on the string (not in a block).  The problem is that
for any session the code doesn't work the first or second time, then it
works fine.  Is this a caching issue or compile-time vs. run-time issues?  I
am sure this is a simple fix.  What am I missing?

        Here is the nasty part (don't throw stones :)  So that we can
develop, I put the eval in a loop that tries it until it returns true or
runs 3 times.  I can't obviously leave it this way.  Any suggestions?  Here
is the relevant chunk of code:

        #  Expect perl code.  Run an eval on the code and execute it.
                        my $evalcode = "";
                        my $line = "";
                        open (EVALFILE, $build{"$nkey"});
                        while ($line = <EVALFILE>) {
                                $evalcode .= $line;
                        my $evalresult = 0;
                        my $counter=0;
                #       Temporary measure to overcome caching issue, try to
                #       run the eval code 3 times to get a true return.
                        until (($evalresult) || ($counter eq 3)) {
                                $evalresult = eval $evalcode;
                        $pageHash{"Retries"} = $counter if $counter > 1;
                        $r->print($@) if $@;
                        close (EVALFILE);

I appreciate any and all constructive comments.

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