"Differentiated Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.," wrote:
> Hi,
> We've been using Apache::ASP over the past one month.
> We are having problems debugging an ASP program.
> We have set the debug level to 3 but still.....
> At debug level 3, the line in which the error occurs is displayed.
> But if we have multiple statements withing <% and %> tags then, the error display 
>only gives only one line number (line number of the first statement) is displayed. We 
>are finding it very difficult to identify the exact line where the error has occured.
> In general we find Apache::ASP support for debugging quite poor. Are there any tools 
>which we are missing out ??
> How do others tackle this ??
> How do people track "use of uninitialised variable".

Don't do "use strict", do PerlSetVar UseStrict 1.  Use Apache::ASP v2.03 
or greater as it had significant debugging enhancements.  If
you are having problem with your debug output, let me see it,
and I may be able to help interpret.  The line numbers are usually
right on.


Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
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