Hello all.

I'm using Apache's latest version (1.3.14) and it seems I hit a wall someone
met before me. Basically the problem is as follows:
- I have a reverse proxy that works just fine thanks to ProxyPass and
ProxyPassReverse. Let's call him "rproxy". He "hides" a http server, I'll
call "server".
- when I ask for authentication on a resource located on "server" (using
either Location or Directory in the httpd.conf file of "rproxy"), "rproxy"
sends a PROXY auth to the client. I would expect a HTTP auth request...

Problem is that I want the PROXY to authenticate the user, not the back-end
This problem has been identified and patched in a previous release  (mail
from  Graham Leggett ([EMAIL PROTECTED], but unfortunately the
address is not valid anymore), Date: Tue May 04 1999 - 04:49:47 EDT) ans is
mentionned in
The latest document claims that "In the configuration file your Auth
configuration directives need to be inside the <Directory ...> ...
</Directory> sections because if you use the section <Location ...> ...
</Location> the proxy server will take the authentication information for
itself and not pass it on. " But I've tried <Directory>,  <Location
(dirname)>, <Location (urlname)> with very limited success...

Has someone managed to make this work?

Thanks in advance...

Jean-Pierre Morant                       
Office: +32 (0)2 2996751              
Mobile: +32 (0)478 201505
Fax:    +32 (0)2 296085           
#include <std.disclaimer.h>
#define MOTTO "La vie serait tellement plus belle 
               si seulement nous avions les sources!"

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