> > On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 01:22:26PM -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> > > 
> > > I mean, until I can demonstrate that people with certs are likely
> > > to get hired faster or make more money, what's the point?  As it is
> > > now, good mod_perl people are hard enough to find that the
> > > jobseeker already has the advantage.

"The jobseeker already has the advantage" is the key phrase.  I think the
general idea is to balance that out and broaden both the job market for
mod_perl folks, and the talent pool of mod_perl programmers.  At this
point, IMO certification is the end of the line, the destination.  What we
need is a path to the destination.  We want to generate enough interest
and (dare I say) marketability of mod_perl to warrant certification.  
Articles are helpful, but when was the last time you saw a corporate
big-wig reading TPJ or Perl Month?  I'm sure it happens, but what about
getting an article in the big trade rags?  Slipping something in
Ziff-Davis rags, the things that sit on their desk and coffee tables...

> > I'd take a list of activities from your website, complete the
> > activities, submit my code back to you, and let you grade me,


Copy and paste works wonders in the web.  You'd need heavy code-commenting
or a detailed explanation from the person (preferably in person) of the
code they "wrote".  It's the right path, just need to prepare for the
lowest common denomenator.

> I'd be a little less eager about the sort of simple multiple choice
> that would be easiest to automate, but even that would suffice.

Or a good combination thereof.

> I would love to be able to list on my resumé that I was Perl and
> mod_perl certified. How about publicity in the form of a page listing
> certified Perl/modPerl coders on take23, with contact info if they
> like? Great for getting those job offers.

From an employer's standpoint, that's an awful statement to read.  If I
hire a certified perl/mod_perl person, I'd like to believe that they're
with my company, and not reviewing other job offers continually, if
the site could evolve to "available certified folks"... that would
be a much better solution.  See point #1 above.

Jay Jacobs

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