Joshua Chamas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [hello]# ./ -time=60
> ...
> Test Name                 Test File    Hits/sec     Total Hits   Total Time   Total 
> ------------              ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 
> HTML Static               hello.html   1211.6       50000 hits   41.27 sec    
>12450249 byt 
> ModPerl Handler           hello.bench   888.9       50000 hits   56.25 sec    
>6700268 byte 

IME, simple mod_perl handlers typically run around 50% as fast as 
HTML static pages.  Your hello world benchmark seems to be slightly 
misleading in this respect, since the content-length is small 
relative to the header size.

For your HTML Static, I would guess that the headers delivered are
significantly larger than the ones returned by your modperl handler.
Hence for 50000 hits, there is a significant discrepancy in the 
total bytes delivered.  This skews the hits/sec numbers in the
favor of content handlers that deliver shorter headers.

To use HTML Static as a baseline comparison for dynamic content 
handlers, I think you should ensure that the headers delivered
are comparable to those that are dynamically generated.

Joe Schaefer

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