I've seen a similar issue on our machine. We're running:

- mod_perl 1.24
- apache 1.3.12-25
- RedHat 7.0
- plenty of spare RAM

and only when we include certain of our own Perl modules in startup.pl do we
see the following in the error_log:

[Mon Dec 11 13:11:17 2000] [notice] child pid 2991 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)

If we only use these certain modules in our mod_perl scripts (and not in
startup.pl), the segmentation faults don't occur. I was unable to spend any
time on tracking the bug down, but I'd also be curious to hear more about
this issue and any suggestions.

Alex Algard

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Per Moeller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 2:49 PM
> Subject: Segmentation fault
> Does anyone have problem with Apache 1.3.12 / Mod_perl 1.24 making it's
> childs do segmentation faults whenever the server requested to execute a
> perl module?
> If I request a piece of graphics, it works fine, but not if the page is
> generated by mod_perl. I have no compile errors, all the modules works on
> the previous development machine but not this newly installed machine.
> The only difference I can see, is that I installed perl 5.6.0 before
> installing the mod_perl apache, should that cause any problems?
> The system is running on FreeBSD 4.2.
> // Per Moeller

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