On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, Nathan Torkington wrote:
> In that vein, I'd love to see an article on mod_perl and JSP
> cooperating.  That is, a website that uses both and admits that each
> has its place.  I know a lot of people don't like Java (I'm one of
> them), but mentioning JSP is the foot in the door to getting mindshare
> back from those folks who now think that Java is the only way.

I'd be surprised if many people do this.  Companies that have both
probably consider one or the other a legacy system or a totally separate

The only web project I've heard of where Perl and Java were really being
used together on the server side was one that Gunther described, with a
mod_perl front-end talking SOAP to a server running application logic in

Anyway, I think a better approach for getting attention from Java-minded
people is to demonstrate that there are well-designed, carefully
engineered sites being built in mod_perl.  Most of the articles I see
about Perl tend to play up the "quick hack" aspect, and ignore things like
OO design, maintainability, and scalability.  Those things are the stock
in trade of Java articles, as a quick look through Java World will show.

- Perrin

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