
        [now to the list, also]

        maybe all of these mathematical formulae can be made into a
smallish perl script that grabs this info from `top ax`. I am not sure
that top is the proper source of memory usage across platforms.

        In fact, as I am not a unix old-timer, I should be asking
*where* to get that info reliably from. With that info, I could prepare
such a script ... it'd be quite useful, I'm building a few servers with
very low memory.

        Stas wrote (privately) that there is no consistent cross platform
command that will reliably report memory usage for a given set of
processes. He also mentioned Apache::GTop, but I was thinking about an
external script. A script I can call from the command line and will
evaluate my three HTTPDs and their children, and report global and
detailed memory usage. 

        It should be a general purpose tool, not something mod_perl-dependant
at all. It might be system dependant, of course. It could be checking
what OS it's on and call the proper command accordingly.


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