> I take your answer as a polite confirmation that I am the only one to make
> that mistake :-)
> Well, this seems to be the case. Now that I know the problem cause, this
> *is* obvious. 
> Still, the guide doesn't clear things IMHO for one under the same weird
> false assumption that I had: "but the parent does not exit. Instead, the
> parent re-reads its configuration files, spawns a new set of child processes
> and continues to serve requests. It is almost equivalent to stopping and
> then restarting the server. " It seems a subtle point indeed - that although
> the libperl.so is external, it has already been mapped into the core back at
> the runtime loader stage, and will never be reloaded. Until I asked myself
> this question in this form (what exactly happens with the apache core and
> why isn't the module reloaded?) I didn't get it.

If you think it's misleading you are always welcome to send me the patch
which is clearer, that's how the guide has evolved and corrected itself so

> I wonder why I was so sure that apache re-exec's itself. I am sure I saw it
> in some public domain server after our homegrown webserver implementation
> had done it that way, some 6 years ago. Was it cern httpd then, rather than
> ncsa/apache? Well, I could also notice there is no "-listen-fd 4" or smth.
> argument in the respawned httpd process cmdline, to tell the restarting
> process where to take the listening socket... I like this technique because
> it ensures there is no resource leak (other than, possibly, forgotten open
> fds) on restart. Do you know if really many people suffer from the memory
> leaks you mention at the link you gave? Should I patch apache so it has such
> restart semantics in addition to (as another sighandler?
> configurable?)/instead the current HUP behaviour? I mean, will such patch be
> really useful for someone?

Most of the people don't use HUP to restart, in fact I've never used HUP
with mod_perl. YMMV. I do it this way:

stop; sleep 2; restart;
where stop and restart are aliases for apachectl stop|restart

> Vassilii
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 11:50 AM
> To: Khachaturov, Vassilii
> Subject: RE: Trouble with AxKit at runtime - XML parsing stage 
> > Stas: maybe you could add a small section to your Guide elaborating on
> > dependencies of things and what has to be remade when things are upgraded?
> > (Or I am the only one to make such stupid mistake?)
> Well, it's documentated:
> http://perl.apache.org/guide/control.html#Restarting_Techniques 
> Of course you cannot send a process the HUP signal and expect it to fully
> stop and re-start, unless you know that it does that.
> Isn't it obvious that when you upgrade some binary you should quit the
> program that's depending on it and restart it?

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/       mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide 
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