On Sun, 17 Dec 2000, quagly wrote:

> As a test of my new mod_perl abilities I wrote a trivial SQL client.
> It works, but if the query returns many rows then it takes a while.
> As a first step I thought I would call $r->rflush; with every row
> printed but 
> this does not work.  I also tried $|=0; with no effect.

$|=1 or $|++

$|=0 is the opposite (do bufferring!)

>         while ($sth->fetch) {
>                 print "<TR>",
>                         map("<TD>$_</TD>",@cols),
>                          $r->rflush;
>         }

How about this?
        while ($sth->fetch) {
                print "<TR>",map("<TD>$_</TD>",@cols);

You may also want to find some nice value and do:

        my $rows = 0;
        while ($sth->fetch) {
                print "<TR>",map("<TD>$_</TD>",@cols);
                # flush every 10 rows
                $r->rflush unless ++$rows % 10;

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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