On Sun, 17 Dec 2000, Thomas Bach wrote:

> Hello list
> at first, sorry for my english, my motherlanguage is (swiss)-german
> i'm not (yet) that used with this stuff, but i've a really strange problem
> i'm using apache (1.3.12), mod-perl (1.21), Perl (5.005_03 built for
> i586-linux),DBI (1_14), mySQL (3.22.32)
> this is only my test- and evolution-environment, i'll put my project later
> to a provider, but if this is a bug somewhere i'll go around
> i've a perl-script which reads data from my database and puts it into a web
> browser,
> but if i change/add the data in my database this script won't show me the
> changings
> if i run the query in the normal mysql-frontend, i find the new datas
> i found out that the server runs the script (i read other data from
> text-files => changings inthere are puted out in the webbrowser) and mySQL
> processes the queries (i locked in the log-files)
> sometimes i can reload the page and then it shows me once the old datas
> anothertime the new datas (internet explorer alternately and netscape
> navigator 'randomly')
> if a modifiy/save the script => all goes fine
> but i don't want to save it everytime I (or the rest of the world) change my
> database ;(
> i've heard of another (in a german mySQL-mailinglist) who had also this
> problem, but he didn't really solved it (he goes around)
> does anyone of you know this problem (and perhaps a fix)?

Please read the mod_perl Guide:


Especially these sections:


Good luck :)

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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