Ok, essentially I want all but one directory on the
server to be password protected.
I want 1 directory to have the "I forgot my password"

I am using Mason.....
and setting SetHandler default-handler has undesired results.
i.e. mason files do not get parsed.
Essentially I want to do this.
Unset PerlAuthenHandler

here is a portion of my conf file.
AddType text/html .mhtm
<FilesMatch     ".*\.mhtm$">
                SetHandler      perl-script
                PerlHandler     HTML::Mason

<Location /websites/foo.net/htdocs/>

AuthName "foo"
AuthType Basic

PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthDBI::authen
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthDBI::authz

PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_data_source
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_username      jsheffie
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_password      fooo
# DBI->connect($data_source, $username, $password)

PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_table     users
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_uid_field     user_id
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_field     password
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_grp_field     groups
#SELECT pwd_field FROM pwd_table WHERE uid_field=$user

require valid-user

ErrorDocument 401

<Location /websites/foo.net/htdocs/passwd_forgoten/>
   SetHandler default-handler
Any ideas..??


|  Configuring /etc/diphosts     |
|                                         |
| (taken from the Linux Networking-HOWTO) |
| Jeff Sheffield                          |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                          |
| AIM=JeffShef                            |

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