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How about memory leaks & mod_perl issues?

Justin wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been catching up on the modperl list archives, and would
> just like to recommend "mathopd" as an image web server.
> After having difficulties with the sheer number of front end
> apache processes necessary to handle 10 backend modperls,
> (difficulties: high load average and load spikes, kernel time
>  wasted scheduling lots of httpds, higher than expected latency
>  on simple requests), I switched all images to another IP
> address on the same box (extending their IMG SRC somewhat
> obviously), but now served by mathopd.
> Mathopd is a simple select based, http 1.1 (keep alive)
> compliant tiny webserver that is very configurable. I was
> doubtful that it would hold up (it comes with zero documentation ..
> the docs say "read the source"). But it has not crashed *once*,
> and its very nice to see just one 22mb process with 500+ minutes
> of cpu time (for several weeks of work), and have images
> come in fast and reliably.
> It uses select and as many file handles for a proc as you have.
> If load increases beyond (say) your limit of 1024 fds, it re-uses
> currently unused but kept-alive fds, meaning a graceful
> degradation. It is also exceedingly fast, much faster than
> apache serving images (that doesnt matter, but it does mean
> its frugal with your CPU).
> Of course I still have 120+ apache httpds (now just being front
> end for *page* requests), and my wish is that mathopd would add
> proxy and regexp rewrite capability, then I could do away with
> apache completely on the front end !! or I guess apache2 with
> mod_rewrite and mod_proxy would solve that, at the risk of
> thread related teething problems.
> Just a recommendation from left field.
> -Justin


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