Hi all..
I'm very new to apache and perl...
but I'm stuck with a web page that has some
.acgi and .cgi files....
I'm running potato and did an apt-get install apache-perl...
It wiped out my apache and perl seperately....(early installs)
That seemed good...
everything seems good except for those scripts....
These are the changes I made to the default srm.conf and access.conf files...
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/Scripts/
...and later down the file....
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
This is the change in the access.conf:
<Directory /var/www/Scripts/>
AllowOverride None
Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
I think thats it.....the web page stuff is in /var/www/
and along with some other junk....gifs and such...
the Scripts folder in there has some other folders with other .cgi and .acgi files
kicking around.......
I've checked the permissions.. I think they're fine....
If I try http://localhost/cgi-bin/blahblah.cgi... I get an Internal server error.....
or if I try a couple folders past ..../cgi-bin/.............  .cgi    same thing....
I'm thinking that the script isn't being executed by perl ...
I figure I'm missing something in my conf files...
gotta hunt through those docs again....
Any help on this matter is greatly appreciated....

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