On Thu, 21 Dec 2000, Alexander Farber (EED) wrote:
> Stas Bekman wrote:
> > On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, Alexander Farber (EED) wrote:
> > >
> > > sub mysort
> > > {
> > >     my $param = $query -> param ('sort') || 'MHO'; # XXX global $query,
> > >                                                    # not mod_perl clean?
> > >     return $a -> {$param} cmp $b -> {$param};
> > > }
> > >
> > > This subroutine is called later as:
> > >
> > >     for my $href (sort mysort values %$hohref)
> > >     {
> > > ...
> > >     }
> > 
> > Your code is better written as:
> > 
> >   my $param = $query->param('sort') || 'MHO';
> >   for my $href (sort {$a->{$param} cmp $b->{$param}} values %$hohref) { }
> but isn't it the same? The anonymous sub {$a->{$param} cmp $b->{$param}}
> uses the "outside"-variable $param.

First it's not the same waste-wise. your customized sorting function is
called for every 2 items in the list to be sorted.

perl -le '@a = (1,5,8,2); print sort {print "waste"; $a <=> $b } @a'

Second it's not the same closure-wise. It does matter whether you use anon
sub or the named sub. See:

> > why wasting resources...
> Also, assuming I would like to have a separate sorting subroutine
> mysort, since it is mopre complicated as listed above... How would
> you pass some parameters to this subroutine? Via global vars?

I'd still use anonymous sub:

my $my_sort = sub {
  $a->{$param} cmp $b->{$param}
  # as much code as you want
for my $href (sort $my_sort values %$hohref) { }

it's recompiled on every run, therefore not sticky vars.
See the link above.

Of course the simplest solution is putting the code into the package and
use/require it from your script -- no problem as well. See the guide.

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/       mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide 
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