Hi all,

        I ran some performance measures on two perl scripts under
mod_perl, the first script access a Oracle database using the DBD::Oracle
module and the second script access a MS SQL Server database using the
DBD::Sybase module. The measured response times was very different at the
two cases, the time for the Oracle database was approximately three times
the time for MS SQL Server databse. Why all this difference between
the measured values ? I also understood that an Oracle connection needs
much more resource of machine than an MS SQL Server connection (both
database servers are not installed on the same  machine that the Web
server). Is it correctly? Please, is there some place where I can find
docs about it? Any help will be very appreciated. Thanks...

            Edmar Edilton da Silva
    Bacharel em Ciência da Computacão - UFV
  Mestrando em Ciência da Computacão - UNICAMP

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