I think that was it!!! I wasn't closing the file after uploading it,
thanks alot!!!!

"Alexander Farber (EED)" wrote:

> cbell wrote:
> > Everytime I try to upload a file, the browser will
> > stall a couple of times, and the file ends up on the server as a zero
> > byte file.
> How about:
> > ################# Upload Procedure
> > my $buffer;
>   my $inputfile = upload ('uploaded_file');
>   open (OUTFILE,">$ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/images/test.gif")
>      or die "Can not write to file because of $!";
> > binmode OUTFILE;
> > binmode $inputfile;
> > while (read($inputfile,$buffer,1024))
> >     {
> >         print OUTFILE $buffer;
> >     } ## end while
>   close OUTFILE;

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