
  I have a fairly simple/straight forward scripts which displays a form.  I
set a cookie to store name and email for the submitting user just in case
they return.  Yet when I set the cookie it gets set for all, from anywhere,
not just me on my desktop.  Sometimes a previous cookie pops up.  The
results aren't entirely consistent.  I am unsure if this is a mod_perl
problem, a nested subroutine problem, or a cookie problem.  There are
actually 3 scripts and a lib file that either display the form, process it,
or do other process' not directly related to the form or cookies.

I am using;
Perl 5.6
mod_perl 1.24
CGI.pm 2.71
I set the cookie by;

my %user;
  $user{'username'} = $q->param('author');
  $user{'useremail'} = $q->param('email');

  my $cookie = $q->cookie(-name=>'user',

I retrieve the cookie by;

my %user;
  %user = $q->cookie('user');

I thought I might have had the nested subroutine problem discussed in the
guide and moved my subroutines to a library file.  This didn't help, but I
likely copy/pasted the problem into my new lib.pl file.

I know my description is rather cryptic but if you recognize a problem
please let me know.


  Don Fike

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