check the guide:

> But %ENV population is expensive. Those who have moved to the Perl Apache API no 
>longer need this extra %ENV
> population, and can gain by turning it Off. Scripts using the module require 
>PerlSetupEnv On because that
> module relies on a properly populated CGI environment table.

JR Mayberry wrote:

> Perhaps I am a bit confused about how this should be working...but..
> I have PerlSetupEnv set to Off in httpd.conf..
> yet in this sample script running as an Apache::Registry script:
> #!/opt/bin/perl
> use Data::Dumper;
> my $r = Apache->request();
> $r->send_http_header('text/plain');
> print Dumper(\%ENV);
> its dumping out what appears to be a complete enviroment..
> what gives, shouldnt this be empty?
> there are some other Apache::Registry scripts which havent been
> re-written to not use anymore, is it possible that 'use'ing
>;' is forcing this to be turned back on?
> -confused
> --

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