Ian Kallen wrote:
> If I were you, I'd install my own perl in /home/eedalf, create
> /home/eedlf/apache and then do (assuming ~/bin/perl is before
> /opt/local/bin/perl in your path) something like:

Thanks, that's how I had it before - with Perl 5.6.0, Apache 
1.1.3 and mod_perl 1.24 in my home dir. However this tyme I'd 
like to use the system-wide Perl - because of my disk quota.

> perl Makefile.PL \
>  APACHE_PREFIX=/home/eedalf/apache \
>  APACHE_SRC=/home/eedalf/src/apache_1.3.14 \
>  DO_HTTPD=1 \
>  USE_APACI=1 \
>  LIB=/home/eedalf/lib/perl \

> > is this error message, when calling "make install"

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