
The Hello World 2000 benchmark is complete, and my results are below
along with the Hello World benchmark.  Please feel free to contribute
h2000 benchmarks for any environment, or suggest changes for those
in the test suite, download at http://www.chamas.com/bench/hello.tar.gz

The h2000 bench is geared toward web apps with templates.

Please note that I couldn't get a java String->Int type cast right,
so fudged one line in the h2000.jsp ( fix? )  Also note, as seen 
below, I am using the latest versions of PHP & IBM's Java, but not 
of perl, so the results may not be fair in comparing the languages 
on my platform.


]# ./bench.pl -version -time=60  ( -h for help )

Test Name                      Test File  Hits/sec   Total Hits Total Time sec/Hits   
------------                   ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
Apache::ASP v2.07 2000         h2000.asp   228.0     13687 hits 60.03 sec  0.004386   
28997 byte 
HTML::Embperl v2.0a18 2000     h2000.epl   247.3     14846 hits 60.04 sec  0.004044   
28809 byte 
HTML::Mason v0.895 2000        h2000.mas   222.9     13378 hits 60.01 sec  0.004485   
28798 byte 
mod_caucho JSP 2000            h2000.jsp   328.9     19741 hits 60.03 sec  0.003041   
28964 byte 
mod_php PHP 2000               h2000.php   261.8     15717 hits 60.04 sec  0.003820   
28865 byte 
Template v2.00 Toolkit 2000    h2000.tt     55.6     3336 hits  60.01 sec  0.017987   
28888 byte 
Apache::ASP v2.07              hello.asp   390.6     23444 hits 60.01 sec  0.002560   
241 bytes  
Apache::Dispatch v0.08 handler hello/worl  656.1     39374 hits 60.01 sec  0.001524   
196 bytes  
Apache::ePerl                  hello.eper  344.8     20687 hits 60.00 sec  0.002900   
217 bytes  
Apache::Registry v2.01 CGI Raw hello_raw.  706.4     42394 hits 60.02 sec  0.001416   
52 bytes   
Apache::Registry v2.01 CGI.pm  hello.reg   458.5     27529 hits 60.03 sec  0.002181   
216 bytes  
Apache::SSI v2.16              hello.shtm  559.4     33571 hits 60.01 sec  0.001788   
199 bytes  
HTML static                    hello.html 1158.4     50000 hits 43.16 sec  0.000863   
311 bytes  
HTML::Embperl v2.0a18          hello.epl   458.2     27496 hits 60.01 sec  0.002183   
219 bytes  
HTML::Mason v0.895             hello.mas   365.3     21925 hits 60.02 sec  0.002737   
197 bytes  
HTML::Template v2.0            hello.htmp  567.2     34041 hits 60.01 sec  0.001763   
198 bytes  
mod_caucho JSP                 hello.jsp   860.6     50000 hits 58.10 sec  0.001162   
230 bytes  
mod_include SSI                hello.shtm  996.6     50000 hits 50.17 sec  0.001003   
198 bytes  
mod_perl handler               hello.benc  852.6     50000 hits 58.64 sec  0.001173   
196 bytes  
mod_php PHP                    hello.php   734.8     44095 hits 60.01 sec  0.001361   
225 bytes  
Template v2.00 Toolkit         hello.tt    522.1     31338 hits 60.02 sec  0.001915   
198 bytes  

Apache Server Header Tokens

PERL Version: 5.00503

JAVA Version: java version "1.3.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0)
Classic VM (build 1.3.0, J2RE 1.3.0 IBM build cx130-20001124 (JIT enabled: jitc))

Operating System: Linux 2.2.14-5.0smp (root@porky) (gcc egcs-2.91.66) #1 2CPU [gate]

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