
AL>This is definitely related to libperl.so ... When I comment out
AL>LoadModule perl_module modules/libperl.so
AL>in httpd.conf, then apache will start.  Unfortunately, I'd like to get
AL>mod_perl working.
AL>Does anyone know about this ap_ctx_get?   I understand that there could
AL>be a bug in another module that I am loading infront of libperl.so, but
AL>which one?

This sounds like a DSO loading problem. Are you on Solaris? It's been my
experience that on Solaris, loading mod_perl as a DSO (especially if your
Perl already has a libperl.so) is usually a disaster. On our Solaris x86
boxen, we statically compile in mod_perl.

The ap_ctx_get was one of our core dumps (I don't remember which
permutation of mod_perl as DSO or Perl with shared libperl.so this was,
sorry). Others included failed calls to top_module.



Andrew Ho               http://www.tellme.com/       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Tellme Networks, Inc.       1-800-555-TELL            Fax 650-930-9101

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