        I use apache1.3.12 with mod_perl 1.24 and I've been using it in several 
programs with DBI (version 1.13). This is the first time I get an error 
like this, other programs that uses DBI are still working.
        In command line everything is working ok, but when I run my program under 
mod_perl, I get no data (not even headers), and the only message in the 
error log (with LogLevel debug) is this:

[Tue Jan  9 09:40:54 2001] [notice] child pid 28932 exit signal 
Segmentation fault (11)

        I've debugged everything and discovered that the error occurs when I call 
DBI->connect. I debbuged DBI.pm and DBD/mysql.pm and found that the 
error happens in the following line, in DBD::mysql (version 2.0402):

     DBD::mysql::db::_login($this, $dsn, $username, $password)
         or $this = undef

        I've tried also to connect to different databases in different servers, 
but the error persists. Does anyone have any idea of how to solve this?
        Thanks a lot.

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