While I don't want to be a C programmer, apparently I am going to have to learn
what "classes" and "methods" are in order to compile
mod_perl 1.24_01
Apache 1.3.14,
Perl 5.6.0 and
on top of
Linux 2.2.16 (RHL 7.0 base dist).

And I may even have to learn how to debug C code, to get rid of a nasty "error
#29 in modules/src.t" when attempting to compile.  I was hoping not; sometimes
one just wants to be a user.  To be braindead and enjoy that state of blisss.

The error I have been receiving,
"Use of unitialized value in concatenation (.) at modules/src.t at line 27"
appears to be a nasty one.  Unfortunately, the errors statements don't tell me
which variable values to intialize, although it IS smart enough to recognize that
the value has not been set.  I know these things take time...

If someone has a solution, I am at your mercy and will attempt to be eternally

So, if someone could point me to the a URL that gives me the basics on
understanding this required paradigm shift into "C", maybe I can get started
helping to resolve this error.  I don't want to spend all of my time on this list
complaining.  I had just wanted to USE the package, not to have to help debug it,
yet if that is what is required, I guess I'd better roll up my sleeves and get

Andrew Lietzow
Being drug kicking and screaming into being a Hacker?  Oh, no!!!

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