It seems to me that Apache running modperl under NT can only
process one request at a time.  Is this true?

I am running modperl 1.24 using apache 1.12 and perl 5.6.  Perl
was built with neither multiplicity nor multithread.  Is there
any configuration of apache, perl, modperl that would process
multiple perl pages at the same time under WinNT?

To prove that modperl is single-threaded, I
have a perl script that prints the time, sleeps 5 seconds and
prints the time again.

        use strict;

        print "Content-Type: text/html\n";
        print "\n";

        my $tim = time();
        print "started: $tim<br>\n";
        $tim = time();
        print "finished: $tim<br>\n";

And I have a frameset that includes the above script twice and
an image for good measure.
                <frameset cols="*,*,*">
                        <frame src="cgi-bin/">
                        <frame src="cgi-bin/">
                        <frame src="test.jpg">
The result is that each frame waits for the previous frame
to complete.

        Frame 1 read:
                started: 979311882
                finished: 979311887

        Frame 2 read:
                started: 979311889
                finished: 979311894

        Frame 3 didn't load until Frame 2 was complete. 

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