At 15:33 19/01/2001 +0100, Thomas Plathe wrote:
>I have a problem with the PerlAuthenHandler and MSIE. If the user
>doesn't send credentials i return with :
>Netscape's Navigator opens the window for entering username and
>The MSIE always gives the "Authorization Required" Message. Can anybody
>tell me, how i can get MSIE to open the Mask like Navigator? I don't
>know if it is a problem in my module or in the preferences of MSIE.

I saw that once, a certain amount of time ago. I don't remeber exactly but
I think the problem was that I had forgotten to set a realm for the auth
and that simply setting it fixed the problem.

-- robin b.
"Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that is not
the reason we are doing it." -- R. Feynman

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