Hi everybody,

          In order to authentify our web Apache users, we have decided to
 AuthDBI.  We have installed the following software on our web server (DEC
 Alpha OSF1  V4.0).
         Perl                   version 5.004_04
         MSQL                   msql-2.0.3
         DBI                    DBI-1.13
         mod_perl                       mod_perl-1.21
         Apache::AuthDBI.pm   ApacheDBI-0.87
         PHP                    php-3.0.14        (not used for the
authentification process)
       We have noticed that in the logfile, we have often messages (
 several times per hour) like:
         >> [Wed Dec 13 15:04:23 2000] [error] access to /pols_006.pdf
 for gateway.dr
         .dk, reason: 14491 Apache::AuthDBI::authen can not execute
 statement: MSQL server has gone away

         But we can still connect to the mSQL server through a shell or even
 a new try on the same page is successful. After looking at internet, we
 realised that there are lot of people having the same problem, but no one
 can reply to it clearly.
         We are wondering whether the problem comes from DBI, AuthDBI, mSQL?
           Do you have any idea?
         Thanks in advance

Alain Artero
EBU Webmaster


Union Européenne de Radio-Télévision        Fax : (41) 2274.74.158
Ancienne route 17A                           Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex GE                  Web: http://www.ebu.ch/

Below answer of Edmund Mergl.

<<if you use Apache::DBI, the apache process will
<<initially connect to the databas once, and this database
<<handle is supposed to live forever (in fact, it lives
<<as long as the httpd does).
<<I have heard several times, that this does not work
<<with mSQL.
<<Try posting your problem on the mod_perl mailing list
<<or search the archives for the 'morning bug'.



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