Hi Folks,

I received some tips from an admin on a server where I am attempting 
to get a program running under mod_perl using Apache::Registry

All was well for a few weeks, and then data files began to be corrupted 
again... One of the items that was passed on to me was ( as below) regarding
global variables. I am confident that there are no evil globals left, but I don't 
understand ( or don't want to believe ) what he told me about file handles.

>     #1. GLOBAL VARIABLES. Most perl programmers neglect to use my for
> every variable type. And even if they can be broken of this bad habit they 
> continue to use global globs (as  used with the open(FI, "<blah"); function)
> Solution? use the FileHandle module;
>     use FileHandle;
> then convert code that looks like this:
>         open(FI, "</path/to/hitsfile");
>         my $line=<FI>;
>         close(FI);
> to this:
>         my $fi = new FileHandle "</path/to/hitsfile";
>         $fi->getline(); # or <$fi>
>         $fi->close(); # or ignore it; PERL has garbage  collection...       
> you SHOULD also be able to simply use:
>     my *FI;
> but... that looks really silly...

I have read the following in the guide:

::Output of system, exec and open PIPE, "|program" calls will not be sent
::to the browser unless you Perl was configured with sfio. 

I am not sending the output to the browser, but opening sendmail like so
open (MAIL, "|$mail_program") || die "Could Not Open Mail Program: $!"; is
not working. That I can work out. However, is this true about regular opens
on files? 

I use a lot of basic file opens like so:

open(CUSTOMERS,"<$c{globals}{root_dir}/admin/customers.txt") or die "Can't open the 
customers list: $!";

Besides die being a bad thing, is this gentleman right to tell me
I have to loose my file opens and go with FileHandle ??

Any help would be Greatly appreciated. 
Frustration is running high on this one.


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