At 11:56 AM 02/02/01 -0700, Joseph Crotty wrote:
>I have an Apache::GateKeeper that checks to see if the user has logged in
>and been served a cookie... if not they are redirected to index.html(to

I assume you looked at Apache::AuthCookie which does this.

> I want all comers to ServerRoot/cgi-bin or ServerRoot/perl to have
>to go thru the GateKeeper handler, except those trying to get to login.cgi
>which lives in ServerRoot/perl.  I was trying to use the perl.conf Block
>Directives below, but am not getting the negated <Files !~> line to work
>right.  I snooped around on the mail archives but can't find anything about
>negated regex matching.

Can Apache::GateKeeper check a PerlSetVar?

   SetPerlVar  FreeRide

And then look for FreeRide in GateKeeper and return DECLINED.  I think
that's how I hacked it in Apache::AuthCookieURL, since I wanted to protect
an entire site, except a few sub directories (images, for example).

Bill Moseley

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