> Subject: Help: Can't use string ("Exchange::Account::My") as 
> a HASH ref
> while "strict refs" in use trying to use instance variables in my
> handler

> sub handler ($$) {
>   my ($self, $q) = @_;
>   my $r    = Apache::Request->new($q);
>   $self->child_init unless $self->{_child_started_up};  # <==== dies
> here!

I think that you really need to have a legitimate constructor, not one that
is called conditionally.  $self is not a blessed reference - just a string
containing the class name.  The call to $self->child_init works, even with
strict refs, because there is a child_init subroutine defined in your
package's namespace.  With $self->{_child_started_up}, you're just calling
"Exchange::Account::My"->{_child_started_up}, which will cause the error
since the string "Exchange::Account::My" is not a reference to a hash, it's
just a string.

Anyway, what you should do is create a constructor:

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self {@_};
  bless $self, $class;
  return $self;

Then rewrite the above snippet of your code to:

sub handler ($$) {
  my ($class, $q) = @_;
  my $r = Apache::Request->new($q);
  my $self = $class->new(request=>$r);
  $self->child_init unless $self->{_child_started_up};
  # The rest of the code...

Then you should be good to go (instance variables and all!).  Hope that


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