Title: Debugging mod_perl with gdb

Hey there -

I've successfully built apache/mod_perl with full debugging.  In addition, I'm running the whole setup through insure, a commercial memory leak/corruption tool. 

I've found a "write to a dangling pointer" when apache/mod_perl evaluates a <perl> section of the apache config file.

My question:  How do I go about attacking this problem?  I only know that I'm in a <Perl> section due to printing out some variables somewhere at ap_read_config() to invoke_cmd().  I guess I'm trying to find out what the perl script is doing when the memory corruption occurs.  Obviously if I could narrow the offending line of code (if possible) I might be able to better understand where the real bug is.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 5:25 PM
To: AxKit Users Mailing List
Subject: (Correction) Re: Object->XML serialization [was Re: AxKit

On Tue, 30 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Castor (for Java, from www.exolab.com), uses an actual XML Schema for
> this. The advantage is that you can leverage off the fairly rich existing
> set of defined datatypes.

Sorry, it's www.exolab.org, don't you hate that?


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