Hello modperl,

There is Apache Perl module, which uses File::Cache.
File::Cache object is initialized in every request with params

namespace PRTL
max_size 10485760
expires_in 86400
cache_depth 3

Cache size after 24 hours of working
via 'du -s' - 53M
via 'perl -MFile::Cacje -e"print File::Cache::SIZE('PRTL')"' - 10M
Count of cache nodes is several thousands.

And when cache size is exceeded all mod_perl processes are hanging.
In logs
[Wed Feb  7 08:50:50 2001] [error] Undefined subroutine &File::Cache::thaw called at 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/File/Cache.pm line 601.

What is the best way to limit cache ?
May be variant when File::Cache::REDUCE_SIZE(10485760) in cron.dayly
will be better solution ? I this case max_size doesnt need to specify
in object initialization params...

And another question (I'm use Linux Debian Potato)...
Is there way to define params of the currently performing request
(URI, script, etc) of hanging mod_perl process ? I browsed /proc/[PID of
mod_perl]/, but I think this info is about first request. Am I wrong ?

Sergey Polyakov               aka "BeerBong"
Chief of WebZavod     http://www.webzavod.ru
Tel. +7 (8462) 43-93-85 | +7 (8462) 43-93-86

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