I didn't get any responses on this thread a few weeks ago. Does anyone
have any successful experience with adding a custom menu in


-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Gilmore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 5:26 PM
To: Modperl Mailing List (E-mail)
Subject: Apache::Status and custom menu_items

I'm attempting to insert a custom menu item as described in the eagle
book, pages 641-3. To my knowledge, I've properly coded, yet I don't see
any change in the /perl-status output. Also, a number of modules I know
are loaded, such as Apache::Resource and Tivoli::Apache::AuthenCache,
don't show up in the "Loaded Modules" section. Here's my httpd
configuration (the kitchen sink approach while attempting to determine the

  PerlModule Apache::Status
  PerlModule Apache::Resource
  PerlModule HTML::Embperl
  PerlModule B::Terse

  PerlSetEnv PERL_RLIMIT_CPU 120

  PerlModule Tivoli::Apache::AuthenLDAP
  PerlModule Tivoli::Apache::AuthzLDAP
  PerlModule Tivoli::Apache::AuthenCache
  PerlModule Tivoli::Apache::AuthzCache

  SetEnv                EMBPERL_OPTIONS 19472
  SetEnv                EMBPERL_ESCMODE 0

  <Location             /perl-status>
  SetHandler    perl-script
  PerlHandler   Apache::Status
  PerlSetVar    StatusDumper    On
  PerlSetVar    StatusPeek              On
  PerlSetVar    StatusLexInfo   On
  PerlSetVar    StatusDeparse   On
  PerlSetVar    StatusTerse             On
  PerlSetVar    StatusTerseSize On
  PerlSetVar    StatusTerseSizeMainSummary      On

Any ideas where these menu_items are supposed to show up? I understood it
to be the top level. Neither my module's menu_items nor Apache::Resource's
menu_items appear, although if I dig through the symbol table dump, I find
both packages have the routine for menu_items listed and available for
deparsing, dumps, etc.

Also, the "Memory Usage" item that should show up when
StatusTerseSizeMainSummary is on is not showing up.


Christian Gilmore
Infrastructure & Tools Team Lead
Web & Multimedia Development
Tivoli Systems, Inc.

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