I build an Apache with Mod_Perl under DSO in Solaris. Apache seems works
fine. But
I now have a problem when AuthenNISPlus.pm get called and was not be able to
get password table(I think).
I have the following setting in httpd.conf
<Location /web >
AuthName "[Web for Unix Users]"
AuthType Basic
PerlSetVar NISPlus_Passwd_Table passwd.org_dir
PerlSetVar NISPlus_Group_Table group.org_dir
PerlSetVar NISPlus_DEBUG 1
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenNISPlus
require group devusers sysadmin
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from all
But AuthenNISPlus.pm exited with "Not an ARRAY reference at line 58
look at this program from line 57 are
foreach ($pwd_table->list()){
if(@{$_}[0] eq $name){
$pwd = @{$_}[1];
$group = @{$_}[3];
Any body has any ideals? Also How can I debug an perl package under this
Appreciated for any help