Under mod_perl 1.25 I get segfaults related to config directives. I
tracked this down to perl_config.c, perl_perl_create_cfg, where the values
of PERL_DIR_CREATE (or PERL_SERVER_CREATE) had been overwritten or
something (gdb said "Out of bounds" for the type variable).

In AxKit.xs (generated by Apache::ExtUtils) I had:

    XS_AxKit.name = "AxKit";
    stash_mod_pointer("AxKit", &XS_AxKit);
    register_cleanup(perl_get_startup_pool(), (void *)1,
                     remove_module_cleanup, null_cleanup);

If I commented out the last two lines there (because they were the only
difference I could see from older mod_perls), the segfaults went away.

For those wondering, this has been the cause of Take23 (and AxKit.com|org)
outages this weekend. Many appologies.


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