On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, JR Mayberry wrote:
> Say (for example) we have a page called /customer/reports/PHILADELPHIA,
> which has a list of things on it, one authenticated user can see X
> number of things of the total list, another user can see the whole
> list.... 
> Is it possible to, basically cache a page on a per user basis...

Yes.  You can use mod_rewrite to put a unique token - like the user's ID -
in the URL and do an external redirect to that new URL, then cache the
page there.  You have to do an external redirect because some proxy
(AOL) will cache your pages and you don't want someone's personal page
getting cached by them as www.mysite.com.

Now ask yourself if this is a good idea.  Will you have so many unique
user-driven pages in a given time period that you'll fill your cache disk
up?  An alternative is to cache individual pieces of a page and stitch
them together with a fast and simple SSI type thing on the way out.  Then
you can have the generic shared part cached separately from the
user-driven part.

- Perrin

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