At 02:25 PM 2/11/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>Just had a peek at your FileMan demo. Looks pretty neat. I too was about
>to extend/rewrite Apache::AutoIndex to do some similar things. A few
>Does it use Apache::AutoIndex at all or is it a total rewrite ?
There was a lot to do, so I did an extensive rewrite and tried to maintain
the existing functionality.
>What versions are you using ?  I'm running perl 5.6.0, mod_perl 1.25 and
>apache 1.3.17. I just tried using AutoIndex and while it built OK, I got
>a child seg fault (11) when I tried to access a directory. Whats your
>setup ?

I am similar but at Apache 1.3.14 and mod_perl 1.24_01.
Try setting the following directive and let me know if you have better
FileManOptions language 0
I will be updating Apache and mod_perl soon, but I also had seg faults when
using language.
However, I have been updating the code to include more Apache::Language
support, so I will be looking at this more.

>How extensible is FileMan ? (I'm about to get the source). The thing I
>wanted to do over AutoIndex was have control over the Description field
>for each file. I want this to be a link to an RDF search engine I'm
>thinking about, so each file would have a description like  ( e.g. dir =
>/bar/baz )

I have not over ridden any of the functions within the module, but with the
latest code, I made the arguments to the internal menu commands have all
the same format.  My goal is to make it so the module OO in the future, but
I doubt that it is there today.
The description field works fine today, however.  Just try the classic
autoindex directives, such as
AddDescription "HTML text" .html .htm

>Also a couple other points/suggestions.
>- I was thinking about having the directory path across the top (where
>you have "Directory index of x/y/z " ) into links also, like
>Directory index of <a href='/x/'> x </a> / <a href='/y/'> y </a> / z
>which would allow rapid movement around directory tree instead of
>popping up via parent.
I am a little slow with suggestions, (it just a personal thing).  Do you
mean to have a go to root link?  (Kind of like a go to top for a long
page.)  Or are you suggesting dynamic book marks or some thing alone those

>- I'd like the option to apply a CSS link to the directory page
What is a CSS link?
>- Is it because its a demo or a fundamental aspect of the module that
>when you go to the directory itself as a URL you don't get the FileMan
>menu structure / form, i.e there is a distinction between /demo/foo/
>and  /demo/.XFM/foo#root. Could the FileMan page be made the Directory
>Index or am I missing something ?
The module uses the fake .XFM directory so that you can provide
authentication when accessing the root.  In other words, lets say you
wanted to set FileMan up to access
You would have to access in order to
activate the file manager functionality.  This way if you require
authentication, you will need to apply it to, that way hopefully only john will
have access to his files.
>Anyway I might install your latest version and give it a go.

I will have an update available in about two days.

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