On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, Stephen Gailey wrote:

> Help with Apache::SubProcess needed.
> I have tried the example for running a long duration task from Mod
> Perl, as found in the performance tuning guide, but I get the
> following error:
> [error] Can't locate object method "cleanup_for_exec"
>  via package "Apache" at
> /usr/local/apachessl/handlers/wrapper_handler line 22
> I am using the script right off the page and I have downloaded (from
> CPAN) and installed SubProcess. any ideas?

I've released a new version of the guide, but Doug didn't have a chance to
release a new version of this module with a new function yet. Just apply
this patch and recompile:

-- SubProcess.xs.orig  Sat Sep 25 19:17:12 1999
+++ SubProcess.xs       Tue Dec 19 21:03:22 2000
@@ -103,6 +103,14 @@
        XPUSHs(io_hook(ioep, io_hook_read));

+    Apache r
+    CODE:
+    ap_cleanup_for_exec();
 ap_call_exec(r, pgm=r->filename)
     Apache r

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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