I ran into a problem trying to get MysqlTool running under mod_perl 
using the instructions in the included README, so I've broken down my 
problem into a simple Hello World script (modified from the one in 
the Eagle book) that demonstrates the same problem.

The problem I'm having is that I can get <Location> directives to 
pass control to a mod_perl handler OK, but if I try to switch it to a 
<Directory>, it stops working.

I have an Apache::Hello.pm that just displays the values of the 

I have a CGI script /hello/index.cgi that just calls 
Apache::Hello::handler. This CGI works fine ( $ENV{MOD_PERL} and 
$ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} as expected for outside of mod_perl ).

When I put the following in my httpd.conf ...

<Location /hello>
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlHandler Apache::Hello

... and access the same URL, mod_perl handles it. But if I change the 
entry in httpd.conf to ...

<Directory /home/ray/www/hello>
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlHandler Apache::Hello

... it goes back to executing the CGI.

I must be missing something obvious, right?


P.S. In case it matters, this is Perl 5.00503, Apache 1.3.17, 
mod_perl 1.25 running on Red Hat 6.2.

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