Hi there,

This may be offtopic-ish but I'm hoping for some forbearance.
This has ruined a perfectly good day. :)

I have an application that gets it state information from PATHINFO.
Runs fine without SSL but I setup a test env using Raven SSL then
PATHINFO, and SCRIPT_NAME, start returning different data.

For instance the program handler would be called /foo and I'll add /bar to
the path to trigger a behavior. Under SSL, the SCRIPT_NAME is set to /foo/bar
and PATHINFO is empty. Without SSL, SCRIPT_NAME is /foo and PATHINFO is bar.

This is Apache 1.3.12, mod_perl 1.24, Raven 1.5.3 on RH Linux 6.2. mod_perl
was built with EVERYTHING=1. All modules were statically built. Perl 5.00503.




Jeff Beard
Web:            www.cyberxape.com
Email:          jeff at cyberxape dot com
Earth:          Boulder, CO, USA

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