> Thanks for your comments. I renamed the file/package with the same
> result. I will need to figure out the OS patches and maybe upgrade to
> current sources before trying again.
> Russell
> "G.W. Haywood" wrote:
> >
> > Hi there,
> >
> > On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Russell Lundberg wrote:
> >
> > > Apache 1.3.12 (EVERYTHING=1), mod_perl 1.24, Perl 5.005_2, Solaris 5.7.
> > > package Apache::Download; use Apache; sub handler { return DECLINED; } 1;
> > > [error]  null: Undefined subroutine &#::handler called.
> >
> > What's the file's name, where is it, what's in your configuration, do
> > you have any other files/packages named the same in the search paths,
> > (have you tried a different package name e.g. Apache::DNL1a2b3c which
> > definitely won't conflict with anything else), do you have any other
> > handlers running OK, have you read http://perl.apache.org/guide?
> >
> > 73,
> > Ged.
> > PS it might be worth upgrading those sources.  OS patches?
> --
> Russell Lundberg
> Director of Operations, Asia Pacific
> Signalsoft Corporation
> Mobile +66 1 807 8159
> Fax: +1 720 221 6658
> http://www.signalsoftcorp.com/

Russell Lundberg
Director of Operations, Asia Pacific
Signalsoft Corporation
Mobile +66 1 807 8159
Fax: +1 720 221 6658

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