So I have this very clean Red Hat 7.0 system:

[root@tetine httpd]# rpm -V apache mod_perl
[root@tetine httpd]#  

I download the Apache::TreeBrowser module from and
put the file in /etc/httpd/Apache (which I just created).

At the very end of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, I add the following four

<Location />
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::TreeBrowser

I restart my web server (with "/etc/init.d/httpd restart"), wait a
little, then go fiddle with it.

*** It doesn't work. ***

The first part of path_info is "eaten" somewhere. Let me explain:

If I start at the root (, everything looks fine,
path_info is "/". I click on "bark". Now it's not fine, path_info still
says "/", URL says "/bark/" (just like my location bar in my browser)
and the web page says that I am at the "Tree Root" node.

Now, if I click *again* on "bark", I am now at /bark/bark/, the
path_info is "/bark/", the URL is "/bark/bark/" and the web page says
that I am at the "bark" node. The translated path says
/var/www/html/bark, even though there is no such directory, of course.

Now for the most interesting:

If I change the <Location /> into a <Location /tree>, EVERYTHING IS
FINE. So this seems to be an exceptional case that happens only at /!?!

So what's going on here?!?

Pierre Phaneuf

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