Joseph Mallett wrote:
> If you look at, you will see the ASP
> code that SHOULD appear sandwiched between my rtop and bottom headers, but
> it isn't getting processed. I want to filter the top and bottom sandwiches
> through Apache::ASP, then put them together, and filter out any asp that's
> left. Any ideas how this can be accomplished?

You can use the Apache::ASP event model to create your own sandwiches.
Just include the headers and footers...

# in global.asa
sub Script_OnStart { $Response->Include(""); }
sub Script_OnEnd   { $Response->Include(""); }

The header and footer may be in your local directories,
Global directory, or IncludesDir directories.

>From the perldoc on Apache::Sandwidch, it seems like you could also:

# in global.asa
sub Script_OnStart { Apache::Sandwidch::insert_parts('HEADER') }
sub Script_OnEnd   { Apache::Sandwidch::insert_parts('FOOTER') }

or in your Apache::ASP script:
## ASP Script
  # content here

Just as in perl itself, TIMTOWTDI :)

If you are performance minded, the first method is likely the 
best, as page will be served by only one Apache::ASP request,
where as in the Apache::Sandwich model, you'd have 3 apache
requests per page served.  Apache::ASP includes get compiled
as perl code, so get served very very fast, especially if you
precompile the site with Apache::ASP->Loader()


Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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