On Sat, 3 Mar 2001, Chris Winters wrote:

> First: big thanks to Randy Kobes for making the mod_perl PPMs
> available. This is a huge help to getting mod_perl running on Win32.
> I've installed the mod_perl 1.25 + Apache 1.3.19 PPM without a
> problem, and the mod_perl stuff runs fine. (It's loaded as a shared
> object, which I guess is necessary for Win32 systems.)
> However, I found that when I wanted to use Apache::Request
> functionality (including Apache::Cookie), I got a message that
> ApachePerlModule.dll could not be found in the library path. 
> Copying one of the ApachePerlModule.dll files from the Win32/mod_perl
> repository let everything boot okay, and basic mod_perl functionality
> is there. However, once I try to use Apache::Cookie I get the
> following error in a popup 'Red X' dialog:
>   The instruction at "0xblahblah" referenced memory at
>   "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read"

    This is probably due to an incompatibility between 
apache/mod_perl versions - note also that, as of mod_perl-1.25,
the mod_perl dll that is placed in your /Apache/modules
directory is now named mod_perl.so, to agree with the new
apache convention (this dll should be offered to be installed
with the mod_perl ppm install).
   I've placed at 
a ppm package of (the development version of) libapreq - this was
built against mod_perl-1.25/apache_1.3.19, so should probably
work with your set-up. If you want to try building this for
yourself with VC++, you'll need the cvs version of libapreq - links 
to this are available at http://perl.apache.org/.

best regards,
randy kobes

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