I believe that you need to load your module first, either in a startup file or
with PerlModule Me::MyHandler

Gene Dascher wrote:

> I have a handler that I want to contain all of my methods for access
> control, authentication and authorization.  I have created the file with 3
> different methods named access($$), authentication($$) and
> authorization($$).  I have these methods set up thusly in the httpd.conf
> file:
> <Directory /usr/local/cgi-bin>
>         PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>         AuthType Me::MyHandler
>         AuthName Me
>         PerlAccessHandler Me::MyHandler->access
>         PerlAuthenHandler Me::MyHandler->authenticate
>         PerlAuthzHandler Me::MyHandler->authorize
>         PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC
>         PerlSetVar StatINCDebug On
>         require valid-user
> </Directory>
> Unfortunately, every time I try and access a cgi in that directory, I get
> the following errors:
> Can't locate object method "access" via package "Me::MyHandler"
> access.pm: Can't locate access.pm in @INC
> So I have a couple of questions:
> 1) Can I write a handler that doesn't have a method named 'handler'?
> 2) If so, what do I have to put in the httpd.conf file to allow Apache to
> properly access the handler methods?
> Thanks,
> Gene Dascher

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