Francisco Ramiro Pereira wrote:
> Greetings
> When I run http://localhost/eg I got this:
> ?Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access /eg/ on this server.
> Apache/1.3.14 Server at Port 80?
> When I run http://localhost/asp/sample it works well.
> What I'm doing wrong.

What does your DocumentRoot point to? The URL http://localhost/ will
lead to whatever directory is defined by DocumentRoot. So you should

DocumentRoot  /home/httpd/html


http://localhost/   ---> /home/httpd/html
http://localhost/eg ---> /home/httpd/html/eg


Remember to put an index.html file in each directory (or define
DirectoryIndex, or set Options +Indexes)...

Also, check you do not have a Deny directive blocking access somewhere..
A sensible configuration would be:

# Deny access everywhere and then allow it only where needed
<Directory />
  Deny from All
<Directory /home/httpd/html>
  Allow from all


Owen Boyle

PS To check, look in the error_log when you get the Forbidden error -
you'll probably see something like: "/home/httpd/html/eg/eg does not

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