I've been self-debating a small issue for a small project that I'm developing, and thought I'd pass it on to see if I can get any feedback from the experts in the field:  I have a pair of login/logout CGI scripts on a machine that I recently "bumped" from mod_cgi to mod_perl.  They set/removed a cookie that as a key in Jeffery Baker's wonderful Apache::Session module, which I used as a base for my own authentication module (and if Jeffery is reading this, I'd love your feedback about it...).  Now, since I am using mod_perl, I've set up my module to be pre-loaded to keep a persistant connection to my session database (the connections to the authentication [via user/password] database is only done in the login script).
It seems to me that I _ought_ to try to squeeze a bit more out of mod_perl by assigning a handler during some stage of the server request to do the cookie authentication and then, instead of my scripts checking with the authentication module, I can set an %ENV variable with the authentication results, for later parsing by the scripts.
So, firstly, where is the best place to put the handler?  Logic would suggest the _authentication_ stage, of course, but I'm still a tiny bit too newbie too know exactly how I'd have to set up the .htaccess & .htpasswd files, let alone what kind of response I have to send back to the server.  (Links to the mod_perl Guide are fine for answering this.  I have, truth to tell, not quite finished reading the whole thing, but I have people pressuring me to fix the login buisness which, as a result of moving to mod_perl, is now quite a mess so I'm doing the unthinkable and asking even though I have not read every bit of documentation :-})
Secondly, there are one or two scripts that have a "guest" login.  The way this works, in short, is that authentication is pre-generated and coupled with other "challenge tokens", which are all passed as part of the URI.  This would obviously have to bypass the "normal" login/authentication handlers.  The solution which leaps to my head is doable, if a bit crude:  make a special aliased directory for guest-login-related scripts (actually only the original authentication [eg, first request] has to be via URI; I can switch to normal cookie based beyond that).  But I'd really like to hear what people who've been developing mod_perl 'application's for more then just a few weeks would say.
BTW:  For the experts here, I must say that I'm really impressed with the mod_perl mailing list in general.  I find that I'm learning almost as much from here as I do from the guide and manpages, and I am most impressed at the general attitude towards newbies.  I've been a newbie, and a regular, on many technical mailing lists, but almost never seen that John Q. Newbie got decent attention on most of them.  I just felt that gratitude ought to be expressed where it is due.
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