O mighty Wizards please help if you can:
 I'm trying to use the plain vanilla TicketTool.pm from O'Reilly's mod perl
book, Apache Modules with Perl and C.  It uses Tie::DBI to create a hash of
the mysql connection.   When I run just the authentication subroutine with
Perl -d "authenticate.pm" it runs fine.  Whe I run it as part of the web
server, it fails in the connect statement in the Tie:DBI routine.   I've
been struggling for months on this.  Could anyone help?  I figured maybe I
have a "use statement wrong but I've tried more combos than I'll ever

John Mulkerin

Use lines from TicketTool.pm:
     package Apache::TicketTool;     use strict;    use Tie::DBI ();    use
CGI::Cookie ();    use MD5 ();    use LWP::Simple ();    use Apache::File
();    use Apache::URI ();  use DBI;

Problem line in script:
            tie my %DB, 'Tie::DBI', {
                'db' => 'mysql:its',
                'table' => 'passwd', 'key' => 'username',
                'user' => 'helpman', password => 'secret01',
        } or print "Couldn not open database \n";

Problem line in Tie::DBI
sub connect {
  my ($class,$dsn,$user,$password,$options) = @_;
return DBI->connect($dsn,$user,$password,$options);

Startup.pl (from apache conf directory)
        use Apache ();
        use lib Apache->server_root_relative('libexec/perl');
# Commonly used modules
use Tie::DBI ();
use Apache::DBI ();
use Apache::Registry ();
use Apache::Constants();
use CGI qw(-compile :all);
use CGI::Carp ();


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