> Is there a way to get a person MAC address using apache, mod_perl
> or javascript. I have yet to find a way to do this? I need a
> way to uniquely identify the computer a person is using (i.e. not
> ip address).
> John Whitnack

I just stumbled upon this patch
which begins:

> Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 12:47:50 +1000
> From: John Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: mod_access/2079: Enhanced security - Checking IP/hardware address 
>aginst ARP entry in kernel
> > It'd be great if you could hack up a patch for 1.3
> I have grafted the required changes to allow for ip/mac address checks in
> V1.3. I have allowed an expanded syntax the mac address :-
>         only from 123.123.123 0123456789av
>                         or
>         only from 123.123.123 01-23-45-67-89-ab
>                         or
>         only from 123.123.123 01:23:45:67:89:ab
> There may be more work required for different UNix kernels or Windows, for
> the ARP lookup.
> The general .htaccess handling is FAR more efficient that version 1.2.6.
> We mere mortals appreciate the excellent work!
>                                 regards John

This might get you started; Good luck.


#define NAME "darren chamberlain"

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