Hi Rob,

On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Robert Landrum wrote:

> >> Can't locate auto/CapWiz/Mail/App/handler.al in @INC
> >[snip], [snip]

This puzzles me too...

> sub handler {

Looks like your process is looking for "handler.al" not "handler".
Have you tried renaming the handler to something like handler_123
to see what it makes of that?  You'd have to name it explicitly in
your configuration of course.

You could trigger a backtrace whenever this particular error turned up
but I don't know how far that would get you.  You could build with the
debugging options turned on too.  Probably it would change the fault.

I suppose also you could do a hack to get rid of the symptoms by
making sure that your handler was only ever called as "handler".
Nah, forget I said that.

> Is there any way that it's apache?

Unlikely.  I've never pinned anything on Apache and I've given most
versions from 1.2 quite a lot to chew on.  Upgrading is always worth a
try, though my feeling is that it's more likely to hide a fault like
this than to cure it - unless you're very lucky and it makes it solid
so you can find it.

You *did* build everything yourself, and all with the same compiler?


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